Fast and Easy Visitor Visa Applications

Evidence of Planned Tourism Activities in Australia

Evidence of Planned Tourism Activities

If you are applying for a visitor visa to Australia you may need to provide evidence of planned tourism activities. It is important to carefully plan and document your visit. The more detail you can include about your planned tourism activities, the better. It’s ok that you may not have received booking confirmation as you are waiting for your tourist visa to be approved but it needs to be clear to the Department that you are wanting to visit Australia for tourism-related activities.

Requirements for Planned Activities

Be as clear and informative as possible, including information such as domestic travel and accommodation arrangements (also include if it’s only tentative at this point). You can download a planned tourism activities template at the link below. Simply fill in your details and attach to your application. Here are some tips to help you provide strong evidence of your planned tourism activities:

  1. Make a detailed itinerary: It is important to have a clear and detailed itinerary of your planned activities in Australia. This should include the dates and duration of your trip, as well as a list of the specific tourism activities you plan to participate in. You should include information about your accommodation, transportation, and any other relevant details.
  2. Book and confirm your travel arrangements: You should book and confirm your travel arrangements, including flights, accommodation, and any other transportation. You should keep copies of your booking confirmations and receipts to provide as evidence of your planned travel.
  3. Purchase tickets or make reservations for tourism activities: If you plan to visit attractions or participate in activities such as tours or events, you should purchase tickets or make reservations in advance. Keep copies of your tickets or reservations to provide as evidence of your planned activities.
  4. Get letters of invitation or confirmation from hosts or activity providers: If you have been invited by someone in Australia to visit or if you will be participating in activities organised by a company or organisation, you should request letters of invitation or confirmation from your hosts or activity providers. These letters should provide details about your planned activities and any arrangements that have been made on your behalf. Get our sample invitation letter here.
  5. Gather financial documents: To demonstrate that you have the financial means to support your trip, you should provide evidence of your income and assets, such as pay stubs, bank statements, and investment documents. You should also provide evidence of your travel costs, such as flight and accommodation receipts.
  6. Provide any additional relevant documents: depending on your specific circumstances, you may need to provide additional documents to support your application. For example, if you are participating in a specific event or conference in Australia, you should provide evidence of your participation, such as an invitation or confirmation letter.

Overall, it is important to be thorough and organised when providing evidence of your planned tourism activities for a visitor visa to Australia. By carefully planning and documenting your trip (with a planned tourism activities letter), you can increase your chances of success in obtaining a visa and having a enjoyable and memorable visit to Australia.

Evidence of Planned Tourism Activities Template & Sample itinerary for Australian tourist visa

It’s important to get your visa evidence right.

The template below was crafted by qualified migration agents and will help you submit an excellent visa application.


Q: What is evidence of planned tourism activities in Australia examples?

A. Evidence of planned tourism activities in Australia can include things such as hotel or tour bookings, flight itineraries, and tickets for events or attractions that you plan to visit during your stay.

Q: How do I show proof of funds for an Australian visa?

A. Proof of funds for an Australian visa can include things such as bank statements, pay slips, and proof of income. The exact amount required will depend on the type of visa you are applying for, and how long you plan to stay in Australia.

Q: What are some activities a tourist can have?

A. Tourist activities in Australia can include sightseeing, visiting national parks and landmarks, shopping, dining, experiencing the local culture, and participating in outdoor activities such as hiking, surfing, and snorkeling.

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